Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Few Feb Favs

Whats a video fav with out the Brit?

Sia. Nuff said.

It wouldn't be a fav if Diddy didn't change his name again

Cause Feb is the month of lovers

YouTube Radio!

Check this out if your tired of listening to that same ol' cassette in you car...

YouTube is getting mighty clever!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

So its Winter

and its been snowing in Düsseldorf, Germany... actually over all in Germany.

Lucky for me, I get a White Christmas...hahaha all you Californians :)

Here's a view from our balcony, excuse my iPhone isn't as baller as my Canon:

Remember our Balcony Garden in the Summer?

Naturally we got a christmas tree, and decorated it of course:

And made cute decorations to go with our tree...

Then it snowed again, and it was a MUST to play in the snow...

And we make this...

We had a snow ball fight and threw snow balls at him...

and her...

and I got to frolic in the snow with this dude...

winter is sooooo schöööööön, schnee auch!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Behind the Scenes: Saturday Mornings in the Altstadt

Like most 'Behind the Scenes' specials, viewers get an 'all access: 24/7' look at the real life of......(fill in the blank).

Today I woke up to blue skies with a crisp fresh air. Naturally, the California girl that I am, I thought "Christmas." Unfortunately Californians don't really know what fall or autumn is, which is so sad because Deutschland has the prettiest fall season. This beautiful fall day inspired me to share a 'behind the scenes look' of our Saturday morning for all of our Cali friends.

The Altstadt is filled with young "inspiring" street artists. Unlike the New York Subways, where you actually have to audition to play, many talented (and sometimes not so talented) build up their little stage and play for the amusement and money of others.
This young man, was playing and raising money to support his passion of playing the Harp. The picture does not show justice of how well he played, but we was appreciated by all of the 5, 10 and even 20 Euro bills people gladly left him.

The beautiful fall day...
First Stop: Wochemarkt

The Carlsplatz Markt is a farmers market that is open 6 days a week, year round. Not to mentin, they have the best food.

Here's one of the many fruit/veggie stands...
The Carlsplatz Markt has their own Thanksgiving...not as a holiday or tradition as in America...and a month too early, but I'm excited to see what kind of food they are going to have
The best stand for cold cuts, we had to get a number and wait until we were called on just to order! Anyone look familiar in the picture?
Check out the variety...(my camera wasn't big enough to capture the entire selection)
What's a German Markt with out sweets?
...and flowers? Sorry all my Cali friends, but you are getting ripped off buying flowers, not only are they WAY cheaper...but you have such a variety!
Mr. Schier's Fruit and Vegetable stand, one of our favorite Obst und Gemuse stands. Mr. Schier's used to be a regular at Le Pain.
and in case you need some stuff for the shower or bathroom...
Next Stop: Hinkel Backeri for some brötchen
Believe it or not, at the end of the day the entire bread is sold and the bakery is empty!
and again...the sweets and "kuchen"
Naturally we picked up Starbucks, because I am of course still American
Then we feasted....
Let me tell you it was LECKER!

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Call me old school or even clueless, but today I learned something phenomenally cool. Did you know that you can send photos per email to Blogger??? Yeah I guess I may be a little behind all of these cool technically easy, user friendly tools, but no one told me about this rad feature. I hated waiting for ever to load up photos and then having to format the blog, blah blah blah, and now its literally at the tip of my finger tips. Lucky for you all, you may be getting more blogs!

I picked out some favs from the photo album, maybe I should start using my phone camera a little more...

Deutschland Game vs. England (4-0 shut-out, duh)

Did I mention I had some visitors at the end of June? Jenna and Amy came to town, unfortunately I don't have any other photos from this epic trip, my bad Strapp. Fail

Some Jetskiers making me jealous...

They are a cool pair, and amaze all of the tourist by staying still for hours on end until a little kid convinces his mommy to give him money to put in a jar, to only see that they bend down and the hip to motion "Thanks." I admit, I stood and watched for at least 15 min. (even though I see them every weekend).

Ovechkin was in the house and so were we! Got to see the Ovi, the Great 8 after the Stanley Cup (thanks for losing Caps)

Now if I could only master this Retweet thing on Twitter I think I would be a social media master....